2024年7月2日,加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学Martin Reaney教授与韩国高丽大学理工学院院长Kim Young Jun教授一行四人应邀来访暨南大学,并于国际学院316会议室作学术报告,会议由国际学院院长、油料生物炼制与营养创新团队负责人汪勇教授主持。
会议初始,汪勇教授就Martin Reaney与Kim Young Jun教授的科研成果及暨南大学与加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学、韩国高丽大学之间的科研人才交流合作基础进行了概述,并对外专的到来表示热烈欢迎。
Martin Reaney教授汇报题目为“脂质创新研究及未来发展方向(Lipid Quality and Utilization: Innovation in Upcoming Research)”。汇报内容主要分为:油籽脱壳、油质体分离、磷脂及生物塑料四部分内容,分享了利用同步加速器(Synchrotron)、MALD(基质附助激光解吸电离)等新型检测技术对油籽形态及食品中脂肪酸成分进行表征及高效测定,同时展示了大麦、小麦副产物中提取物质的营养功效等相关内容。进一步,Martin教授就未来双方合作研究方向提出了设想,期待未来共同取得更多合作成果。
Martin Reaney教授作报告
随后,Kim Young Jun教授进行报告,题目为“基于大数据分析的功能食品开发新策略(New strategy for functional food development using big data analysis)”,向大家介绍了目前精准营养保健功能食品的市场背景及研究理念,提出了基于大数据和人工智能的功能食品开发新策略,为个性化健康管理提供了创新途径。同时,Kim教授分享了基于计算机模拟的靶标获取及靶标配体相互作用研究技术,并以此对活性物质进行高通量筛选,获得目标物质并进行功效验证,并进一步优化产品开发生产工艺,为功能性食品的未来发展提供新型研究方向。
Kim Young Jun教授作报告
会议最后,团队宋梓亮博士后分享了他关于亚麻籽环肽(LOs)研究的成果,展示了他在博士和博士后阶段有关LOs序列演化及生物合成的发现,同时展望了进一步的研究方向。研究生吴优介绍了她在亚麻籽饼益生菌发酵和木酚素转化方面的研究进展,得到了Kim教授和Martin Reaney教授的指导。
High-End Foreign Expert
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (SMA)
Dr. Martin J.T. Reaney is a renowned professor at the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Agriculture and Bioresources. He holds the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (SMA) Chair of Lipid Quality and Utilization and serves as a Visiting Professor at the Department of Food Science and Engineering at Jinan University, and the Department of Food and Biotechnology at Korea University. Dr. Reaney’s research endeavors are centered around the exploration of orbitides compounds in natural health products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, and the development of technologies to commercialize these compounds for a wide array of applications. He engages in collaborations with industry partners and has contributed to Agriculture and Agri‐Food Canada. Dr. Reaney has an impressive publication record with over 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals, inclusive of book chapters, and has presented over 350 papers at various conferences. His work has led to the issuance of 30 US and 8 global patents, many of which have been commercialized, earning him a multitude of recognitions, including Innovation Awards in both the US and Canada. Dr. Reaney is acknowledged as a High-End Foreign Expert in China and holds the position of the World Kimchi Ambassador for the World Kimchi Institute.
Korea University
Professor Young Jun Kim is currently the Dean of the College of Science and Technology, and a professor of the Department of Food & Biotechnology and Food Regulatory Sciences at Korea University. He also served for the university as vice president of general affairs and vice president of the academy and industry relations. He obtained a B.S. degree in Food Biotechnology and M.Sc. in Food Science and Technology from Korea University (Korea), and a Ph.D. degree in Food Science from Cornell University (NA, USA) in 2001. After 3 years of post-doctoral training at Boyce Thompson Institute (NY, USA) and Cornell University in human health and food science, respectively. Currently, he is the chief manager of the assistant consortium for small and medium size entrepreneurs in Sejong city, the administrative capital of Korea. He was the former president of the Korean professor society of food science major and executive president of the academic society, Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition. He has also been actively involved in the research project in collaboration with food industries such as Lotte Co. Ltd., and the Korea Food & Drug Administration, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for the development of value-added food products and food regulatory research based on data science. He has published over 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including book chapters, and has presented over 280 papers at conferences. 20 patents have been granted as results of his research, and several of these have been commercialized or transferred to industry. His current research interests include edible natural supplements for exercise capacity, anti-obesity, and anti-stress, and enhancing the bioavailability of food ingredients by nano-emulsification by using an intestine-mimicking 3D cell culture model.